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‘Wu Unbi cursed inwardly, and her expression also changed seriously. Rather, it seemed to J

eok-yeop that he was worried about Jeok Mi-ryeong. However, Jeok-yeop himself was embarr

assed. The current Namgung Sega is the Sega of Death. Who would not be surprised to hear t

hat their daughter is going to such a place?Mi-ryung Jeok had other thoughts. On this occasio

n, she wanted to ask Wu Unbi for her forgiveness. However, the red leaves with hardened exp

ressions said with a snap.”Can not be done.””I’ll go, even if my father stops me, I’ll go.””What?

Do you mean you know what kind of place it is?”Jeok-yeop suddenly became angry when her

daughter was stubborn. That’s why you’re getting angry, which you wouldn’t normally do.

“I can go to the ambassador, but why can’t I go?”When Jeok Mi-ryung insisted on her stubborn

ness, Jeok-yeop’s face turned red. Although he is called Chunfeng Sword, when his complexion

turns red, he turns into Volcanic Gaebyeok. It’s a scary story when you’re angry like that. But t

he red leaf didn’t make a sound.”Shouldn’t I go to Namgung Sega?”He was startled by the sound

of voices and stood up from his seat. A middle-aged man in his late thirties with a smile on his f

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ace and a faint scent of plum blossoms entered. When he entered, all of his disciples, Jeongin

and Ha Seoryang, stood up with surprised faces.”Nam Sasook!”meet peopleWhen I opened my

eyes on the first day, it was already past noon. The bloody battle at dawn gave him a lot of wearin

ess. The wounds on his back and stomach had already improved to some extent, but it was still to

o much to run around.There was nothing else on Choil’s mind. What he most wanted to do was to

visit the Moorim Maeng and meet his younger brother. To do that, you have to go to Namgung S

ega. On the first day, I thought I was lucky.Still, it was because there was someone he knew nam

ed Jangchan in Namgung Sega.It took two days to get out of Daebyeolsan Mountain and cross a

wide plain to arrive at a small city. In the meantime, I put effort into recovering from the wound

, and now I have recovered to some extent. Since it was self-treatment through qi, there was not

much pain from the wound. Only scars remained, screaming loudly.Because most of his blood h

ad already been absorbed into his body, the healing of the wound was fast enough to see by him

self. In particular, the healing of trauma made me feel like a monster.The city of Fuyang is not tha

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t big, but it is a somewhat well-equipped city as it is close to the port of the Yellow River, where cu

ltural goods come and go. In addition, since there is a huge existence called Namgung Sega next to

it, it can be said that most people in Bokyang coexist with Namgung Sega. Since the Namgung fami

ly is a huge place with more than 500 warriors, many of Fuyang’s poems were focused on the Nam

gung family.Choil went into one week of Bokyang. Most of the people you meet here are ordinar

y people. #성정동풀싸롱코스 #성정동풀싸롱위치 #성정동풀싸롱예약 #성정동풀싸롱후기 #성정동노래방

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#성정동정통룸싸롱가격 #성정동정통룸싸롱문의 #성정동정통룸싸롱견적 #성정동정통룸싸롱코스

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#성정동퍼블릭룸추천 #성정동퍼블릭룸가격 #성정동퍼블릭룸문의 #성정동퍼블릭룸견적

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